Forever Claimed

The second book in my Forever Loved series is receiving its final edits now, soon to be published as an ebook in Kindle Unlimited, and as a trade paperback. It should be up by Valentine’s Day, so that people who love supernatural romance can indulge on this special day. This book is about a young woman who falls in love with more than one shifter at the same time. Yes, this is a reverse harem novel, but it is tastefully done.

I cannot begin to describe the thrill and fear of a new author as the book goes through its paces to being published.  A hideously expensive but absolutely amazing program called Vellum creates lovely ebooks and print copies. The covers come out beautifully. Amazon asks for more and more information prior to accepting the upload. Finally, a real book goes live!

Self-publishing is a process used by more and more of we “indie” authors. It is extremely hard to get published. Then, you lose control. Other people decide what the final copy looks like, the cover art,  publishing schedule, and much more. More and more, indie authors have to do their own marketing as well. I’m not knocking publishing, or saying anything negative about authors who choose to go that particular route. If that works for you, then do it! I’m saying that there is a different way, a new way.

I write supernatural romance because that’s what I love to read. I will publish more work in other categories, but for now, it’s a series that I love. These women are tough, smart, and have a lot to overcome in their lives. I hope you enjoy reading about Tania, Corinne, and Kandace as much as I enjoyed writing about them! Or, the way they insisted that I write about them…

Forever Claimed Book Two Forever Loved by L. J. Hawke
Forever Claimed is the second book of the Forever Loved series by L. J. Hawke.

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